No I’m not talking about
the Olympic Games, but the much wider issue of what kind of legacy we are
leaving our children and future generations. It’s a natural human instinct for
people to make sacrifices for the benefit of their children; who doesn’t want
to think that they will have better lives, more opportunity, greater success
than was available to us. But is it what we are really providing them with

I think a key element
missing from the green story may have been a failure to challenge the economic
approach to securing our children’s future. Get a job, work hard, buy a house,
raise your kids, push them to work hard at school so they can go to University,
so they get a better job ... repeat ad infinitum. It’s a recipe which in recent
generations has played out positively thanks to the rapid economic growth we
have achieved, but it’s a very narrow definition of success and one which doesn’t
work in a world of lower or zero growth. All the focus is on the material
aspects of life, little or none on the unquantifiable elements of
relationships, happiness, connection to society and the natural world.

Perhaps most crucial to
my mind is the state of the Earth that we are bequeathing our children. This
may not be something which parents have traditionally given much thought to,
but perhaps they should. Do we want future generations to live in a world
without large wild animals – the populations of almost all are collapsing at an
alarming rate. A world with no fish in the oceans – without action all major
fish populations could be fished out by the middle of the century. With no ice
in the Arctic in the summer – goodbye to polar bears and walrus – and this year
there is a record low ice extent for the time of the year. With rainforests
replaced by palm oil plantations.
What will it benefit our
children if we do manage to drag the growth machine back for one last encore –
which is what all the major governments of the world are obsessed with doing –
if we continue to destroy the planet as a result?
The message of
sustainability should be uniquely well adapted to talking to parents about
their hopes for their children and grandchildren. Now has to be the time to
seize on the failure of the current economic model and offer a better future
for everyone. One focused not on material wealth but on what really makes us
content in our lives.
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