It didn’t take long for biofuels
to go from saint to sinner destroying early hopes that they offered a low
carbon means of meeting our energy requirements. This idea was quickly replaced
with the realisation that a full life cycle analysis showed few offered any
real benefit over fossil fuels and many produced even greater carbon emissions
once land use changes were accounted for.
Unfortunately the political
process moves a lot more slowly than scientific knowledge. The analysis that biofuels
offered no environmental benefit has not stopped the US government from
subsidising the growth of refineries to turn corn into ethanol, or the EU from
mandating that transport fuels should have a steadily increasing biofuel
Finally though the message seems
to be getting through, and leaked documents have indicated that the EU is
planning on reducing its 2020 target for the percentage of biofuel in transport
fuels from 10% to 5%. Critically it appears to be the fact that these fuels use
food crops which has driven the change of policy. In a world where global food
production has been lower than consumption in six of the last eleven years and
reserves have shrunk from 107 days of consumption 10 years ago to just 74 days
now, politicians are finally acknowledging the absurdity of turning food into
In America too they are debating
the logic of a policy which decreed that the ethanol content in gasoline should
rise each year and which had led to around half the US corn crop being used to
make fuel. In a year when the US maize crop has been devastated by a heatwave,
highlighting the vulnerability of our food production to the increasing impacts
of climate change, this policy has contributed to food prices reaching record
highs with consequences for the number of people going hungry around the world.
But just as we are getting to
grips with the absurdity of using grains to make fuel, so here in the UK we are
seeing a surge in applications for biomass power stations to generate
electricity; typically these will burn wood or palm oil. Drax, the country’s
largest coal fired power station has long co-fired a limited amount of biomass
mostly sourced locally. Now though it hopes to convert three of its six
generating units to run on biomass. This would involve a major increase in the
amount of biomass required implying either substantial imports or the
conversion of much local land to produce the required volumes. Meanwhile in
Tilbury RWE have applied for planning permission to use a former coal station
to burn millions of tonnes of timber every year, most probably from the USA and
Canada – you can help object to this here.

Elsewhere around the country
there has been a surge of applications for power stations which are likely to
run on imported palm oil, contributing to the rapid destruction of rainforests
and peatlands in Indonesia and other Asian countries. To add insult to injury
most of these biomass power stations will only generate electricity, and will
dump the heat generated in the firing. This is a very inefficient use of the
total potential energy available; it’s like paying for something which costs £4
with a £10 note and then throwing the change down a drain. We have to realise
we have limited resources on this planet and we must use them all as
efficiently as possible.
Why is this happening now? Because
our government is subsidising biomass as a low carbon power source. The premise
is that burning wood is carbon neutral because the CO2 was only
recently locked up by the tree growth and replanting will recapture the CO2
again. Even the most cursory of thought processes though will tell you that
there is still a significant time-lag involved of 40+ years before any new tree
has locked away an equivalent amount to that being released in a few minutes of
combustion. This is time we don’t have. Once again the thinking here is all
wrong and an EU analysis has concluded that “the use of trees from forests for
bioenergy purposes would cause an actual increase in greenhouse gas emissions
compared to fossil fuels in the short term”. So not just not carbon neutral,
but actually worse than fossil fuels.
We need to tackle the source of
this problem – the subsidy - now before committing ourselves to building more infrastructure
which will actually harm the environment rather than benefit it. Subsidising
real renewables, such as wind, solar, tidal and wave power will help develop
these industries and decarbonise our energy industry in the longer term.
Subsidising biomass will do no such thing.
Thanks for my mini environment update - this subject so confused me with the back and forth debate.